deKay's Lofi Gaming

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …


Some years ago, I somehow managed to become editor of one of the first online video game magazines. It was done as a bit of fun by myself and some other people from the newsgroup, but some of our issues were read by over 10,000 people – that’s more than some real magazines wot you buy in a shop. We were even Slashdotted! Sadly, it became too much work for a hobby, and although we never really had deadlines, …

Banned from NOE Forums

deKay’s Nintendo Forums Wrangle Introduction Nintendo of Europe (NOE) have a website at On this site, they have a set of forums – open to all registered users (such as myself). As is common with most web-based forums, you can set yourself a “sig file”, which is appended to the bottom of each post you make. Prior to 6th November 2002, my sig read something similar to: deKayeditor of the free videogames magazine “ugvm” On the 6th November 2002, I …


Amiga Emulation There are only really two main (free) Amiga emulators. From experience, I’ve found that UAE has the most features and highest compatibility. There is also Fellow, if UAE isn’t for you. UAE is a portable emulator, with flavours for pretty much all operating systems. On Windows XP, I use WinUAE, as it very simple to use with a great GUI. On my Mac, I use E-UAE, which is based on the same code but doesn’t yet have an …

How I fixed my iPod nano

Please note: this fix requires doing things to your iPod that you wouldn’t normally do. Even though I’m certain they’re safe, I can’t be held responsible if you knacker it following these instructions! How frustrating. After almost a year’s loyal service, I went to charge up my 3G iPod nano before a trip, only to find it wasn’t working. It would turn on, but after about 5 seconds of showing the menu, it would reset itself. Over and over again. …

ugvm – remember that?

On the 4th of March 2001, I posted this message to I had a thought today. After seeing the new issue of Zzap!64, and being a reader of, I wondered if a load of bods from ugvm fancied doing a multiformat web-based magazine. Maybe every few months – you know, some reviews, some news, some letters, etc? Well, it was just a thought. Show Edge/IGN/GamesRadar/etc how to do it properly? I’m not suggesting I “take the reins”, but …


After some suggestions on, I decided to make a start on Fable. And what a strange game it is. The first thing to hit me was the accents – every English dialect appears to be covered. The next thing was the bizarre shadows on people’s faces, as if there are invisible light sources than keep moving. Very odd, and a little off-putting, especially when coupled with the Daz-enchanced Whiter Than Whiteness of my clothes. But I digress. Went round …